EN Items Insurance


Команда проекта
13 Янв 2018
1 221
Many players often wonder: "Can we protect our belongings from theft?".
The world of Lineage 2 is famous not only for epic battles and confrontations but also for numerous types of fraud.
The most unpleasant of them is often a betrayal of trust. All players from time to time give access to their character to friends or сo-сlans, dooming their char's property to the risk of being stolen.
We decided to introduce an insurance service for your belongings in order to protect especially valuable items from loss by non-gaming methods.

In the Ivory Tower and Giran Warehouse, agents appeared that allow you to purchase an insurance policy for your belongings.


1 month - 5 CoL
3 months - 12 CoL
6 months - 20 CoL
12 months - 30 CoL

How is it used?

1. Purchase insurance for the required period
2. Put the item that needs to be insured in the warehouse, then take it from the warehouse. (This procedure is required for logging)
3. Submit a ticket that specifies your wish to insure this item, as well as the time of purchase of insurance and the term.​

It is necessary to understand that this service is distributed only to those items that will be lost in a non-game way (if you have entrusted the data to access your character to not very conscientious people).